Monday, July 19, 2010

Why Water Education?

“It is widely agreed that education is the most effective means that society possesses for confronting the challenges of the future. Indeed, education will shape the world of tomorrow.”

—UNESCO, 1997

Over the past quarter-century, global water problems have continued to escalate. Every day, the quality and quantity of water resources affect the health and well-being of nearly seven billion people on the planet. Yet one in eight do not have access to clean and abundant water. Water education has never been more critical. As schools, homes and businesses “go green,” water education has a major role to play. Through water education, individuals:

* identify their watershed address.
* discover their role in the hydrological cycle.
* recognize that water knows no boundaries—flowing through and connecting us all.

Our future is tightly bound to water. Global water issues must be addressed through greater public involvement at all socio-economic levels, among all water users and across all borders. People must be provided a deeper understanding of our complex environmental issues and the skills necessary to undertake the challenges of this century. Sustainable water management is crucial to secure social and economic stability, as well as a healthy environment – achievable only as a result of cooperation and a commitment to education.

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